Thursday, March 7, 2013

Inside a Vet Assistant Classroom

Inside a Vet Assistant Classroom

    Interviewing now, the students of Ms.Wiemeyer in their everyday R.O.P Vet Class.  She is the teacher for R.O.P Vet Assistant class and has been teaching this course for  the past 3 years.  I am going to ask some of her students a couple of questions pertaining to the  vet assistant field.

  1. Why did you choose this R.O.P vet assistant class?I want to become a vet someday and this will look good going into college but will give me learning experience.                                           
  2. What knowledge will you gain from this?To know how to care for animals, prepare equipment in the vet field, the parasites and infections an animal can get, and how to cure them.                                       
  3. How much do you enjoy this class?I like the class a lot because the teacher is very hands on with all the students and the environment is great. 
  4. What are some of the negative inputs on this course?That some of the veterinarian videos are not up to date, so some of the equipment that they use is different.
  5. Do you think that with the knowledge you have now, that you can become a certified vet assistant at an animal hospital?There is still a lot for me to learn and I am not all there yet.  I know the basics but not the critical information.
  6. Now you are in this vet assistant class, so wouldn't that mean that you have to work with drugs and needles?We have been learning how to use needles and how much to inject in an animal but nothing too critical.       
  7. Have you used a needle on a live animal yet?No, i am looking forward to doing some injection but we are not at the that part of the class.
  8. Does this class help to show different animals anotomys that you may have to deal with as a vet?Yes, it opens my eyes to all the different parts in an animals body and how everything works.  We learn what type of surgeries a doctor performs.  
  9. With the knowledge you have about the vet field, would you still be comfortable with having to put an animal down or be responsible for an animal's death?I know that when i become a vet I have to make hard decisions.  The hard part would not be to put down the animal but to tell the owner, and how upset and distraught they would
  10. Would you recommend this class to any next year juniors and seniors, that want to be vets?I would definitely recommend this class because it shows you what you’d be doing in the vet field.  It would give you a jumpstart on your career.

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